Based On Scientific Studies & Traditional Use

Science Comes First

Our fundamental driving force is to provide the best and most effective nutritional supplements from the highest possible quality ingredients.

We are proud that our supplement products result from years of highly qualified research and development with leading scientists and specialists.

We are determined to constantly develop innovative formulas and stick to our high-tech, in-house manufacturing processes.

Science Comes First

DR. SAMEER PATEL, BDS RCS Postgraduate Degree at Oxford University Member of London Royal College of Surgeons.

Experts Have Their Say

Discover how experts rank OneChoice in the nutritional supplements’ environment
and what is important in their eyes.

We now understand that health, well-being, and medicine are not simply black and white. Holistic medicine plays a vital and equal role alongside conventional medicine in these domains.

After years of practicing reactive medicine, we are now addressing the root causes of your health issues.Through holistic approach, we aim to achieve a deeper and more enduring state of overall health and wellness.

A healthy balance is crucial to maintain in this ever-evolving world. To achieve this, I invite you to adopt the following key principles:

  1. Nutrition: Your body is like a machine in so many aspects. Whatever you program it with will bring your output. To build a strong foundation of good health, you must input and consume a well-balanced, nutrient-dense diet. OneChoice products are meticulously formulated with natural, high-quality ingredients to support and serve as the foundation of your body’s unique needs.
  2. Holistic Beauty: Nurturing your body from the inside out is a natural approach to enhancing your beauty. Incorporate micronutrients and antioxidant-rich supplements into your routine to promote anti-aging, skin health, and overall radiance.
  3. Strength and Vitality through Clean Sourced Nutrition: Support your physical strength, endurance, and overall vitality by prioritizing clean, sustainably sourced nutritional products with an advanced formulation. Our OneChoice provides only products that significantly impact your overall health and physical appearance.
  4. Brain Health: Engage in activities that stimulate and challenge your mind, such as reading, puzzles, learning a new skill, and even brushing with the other hand. Supplements also impact brain health positively by supporting cognitive function, memory, and mental clarity.
  5. Stress Reduction and the Power of Advanced Formulations: Adopt stress management and mindful practices that resonate with you, such as deep breathing. Incorporate advanced formulated, clean-sourced nutritional products into your daily routine to facilitate your body’s balance and healthy compositions.

OneChoice is my dedication to promoting an enhanced nutrition lifestyle. This range of products contains all the essential nutrients that support you as a whole and holistically.”

We now understand that health, well-being, and medicine are not simply black and white. Holistic medicine plays a vital and equal role alongside conventional medicine in these domains.

After years of practicing reactive medicine, we are now addressing the root causes of your health issues.Through holistic approach, we aim to achieve a deeper and more enduring state of overall health and wellness.

A healthy balance is crucial to maintain in this ever-evolving world. To achieve this, I invite you to adopt the following key principles:

  1. Nutrition: Your body is like a machine in so many aspects. Whatever you program it with will bring your output. To build a strong foundation of good health, you must input and consume a well-balanced, nutrient-dense diet. OneChoice products are meticulously formulated with natural, high-quality ingredients to support and serve as the foundation of your body’s unique needs.
  2. Holistic Beauty: Nurturing your body from the inside out is a natural approach to enhancing your beauty. Incorporate micronutrients and antioxidant-rich supplements into your routine to promote anti-aging, skin health, and overall radiance.
  3. Strength and Vitality through Clean Sourced Nutrition: Support your physical strength, endurance, and overall vitality by prioritizing clean, sustainably sourced nutritional products with an advanced formulation. Our OneChoice provides only pr

We now understand that health, well-being, and medicine are not simply black and white. Holistic medicine plays a vital and equal role alongside conventional medicine in these domains.

After years of practicing reactive medicine, we are now addressing the root causes of your health issues.Through holistic approach, we aim to achieve a deeper and more enduring state of overall health and wellness.

A healthy balance is crucial to maintain in this ever-evolving world. To achieve this, I invite you to adopt the following key principles:

  1. Nutrition: Your body is like a machine in so many aspects. Whatever you program it with will bring your output. To build a strong foundation of good health, you must input and consume a well-balanced, nutrient-dense diet. OneChoice products are meticulously formulated with natural, high-quality ingredients to support and serve as the foundation of your body’s unique needs.
  2. Holistic Beauty: Nurturing your body from the inside out is a natural approach to enhancing your beauty. Incorporate micronutrients and antioxidant-rich supplements into your routine to promote anti-aging, skin health, and overall radiance.
  3. Strength and Vitality through Clean Sourced Nutrition: Support your physical strength, endurance, and overall vitality by prioritizing clean, sustainably sourced nutritional products with an advanced formulation. Our OneChoice provides only products that significantly impact your overall health and physical appearance.
  4. Brain Health: Engage in activities that stimulate and challenge your mind, such as reading, puzzles, learning a new skill, and even brushing with the other hand. Supplements also impact brain health positively by supporting cognitive function, memory, and mental clarity.
  5. Stress Reduction and the Power of Advanced Formulations: Adopt stress management and mindful practices that resonate with you, such as deep breathing. Incorporate advanced formulated, clean-sourced nutritional products into your daily routine to facilitate your body’s balance and healthy compositions.

OneChoice is my dedication to promoting an enhanced nutrition lifestyle. This range of products contains all the essential nutrients that support you as a whole and holistically.”

The Values Behind OneChoice

In an era of misleading marketing and toxin-filled products, we set ourselves apart from competitors by offering genuine well-being through our scientifically approved products and ethical values. At the heart of our business philosophy is a deep commitment to business ethics – distinguishing between what is possible and right. Driven by a vision to create a brighter, better-educated world, we are guided by our core values:

Some Clinical Studies Behind Our Products

  • Sekikawa T, Kizawa Y, Li Y, Miura N. Effects of diet containing astaxanthin on visual function in healthy individuals: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel study. J Clin Biochem Nutr. 2023;72(1):74-81. doi:10.3164/jcbn.22-65

  • McFarlin BK, Venable AS, Henning AL, et al. Reduced inflammatory and muscle damage biomarkers following oral supplementation with bioavailable curcumin. BBA Clin. 2016;5:72-78. Published 2016 Feb 18. doi:10.1016/j.bbacli.2016.02.003

  • Hahn J, Cook NR, Alexander EK, et al. Vitamin D and marine omega 3 fatty acid supplementation and incident autoimmune disease: VITAL randomized controlled trial. BMJ. 2022;376:e066452. Published 2022 Jan 26. doi:10.1136/bmj-2021-066452

Types Of Ingredients

We conduct extensive research and utilize abundant biological resources to tailor our products to your specific needs. Bioavailability refers to the percentage of a nutrient or active ingredient that reaches the body and can exert its effects. We study this value because it is a critical factor that determines successful and efficient absorption. We place a strong emphasis on transparency in the complex world of nutritional supplements, providing information about the natural substances we use and their effects. Our products are crafted using only the highest quality, naturally occurring, sustainably produced components.Explore our carefully curated ingredient descriptions to discover more about their positive effects


Vitamins are essential micronutrients required in small amounts (usually in milligrams or micrograms per day) to support normal health and metabolic function. These crucial nutrients cannot be synthesized in the human body or in sufficient quantities and must therefore be obtained through diet or supplementation. Ensuring you get the right amount of vitamins daily can help support your body’s natural processes and promote optimal health and well-being.

Amino Acids

Amino acids are essential building blocks for synthesizing crucial body proteins and key nitrogen-containing compounds, including peptide hormones, and neurotransmitters. Incorporating amino acid supplements into your routine can help support your body’s natural processes and promote optimal health.


Phytonutrients are powerful plant-based compounds that offer a wealth of health benefits. From boosting immunity to fighting inflammation, incorporating these bioactive nutrients into your diet can help support overall wellness and vitality.


Antioxidants are naturally occurring or man-made substances that can help protect your body’s cells from harmful free radicals. These unstable molecules have been linked to various health concerns, including cancer and heart disease. Incorporating antioxidant-rich foods and supplements into your routine can help support your body’s natural defenses and promote optimal health.


Minerals are essential micronutrients that must be obtained through your diet or supplements to support a wide range of crucial metabolic and structural functions. From supporting bone health to promoting proper nerve and muscle function, getting the right amount of minerals is essential for maintaining optimal health and well-being.


Probiotics are living microorganisms that can provide many health benefits when consumed in sufficient quantities. These beneficial bacteria can help support a healthy gut flora balance, promote digestive health, and even boost immunity. Incorporating probiotics into your daily routine can help support your body’s natural processes and promote optimal wellness.

Herbal extracts

Herbal extracts are natural preparations made by carefully extracting specific parts of plants, such as roots, leaves, fruits, flowers, seeds and bark. These extracts are rich in various beneficial compounds and can offer a range of medicinal benefits, from promoting relaxation to boosting immune function. By incorporating herbal extracts into your routine, you can tap into the healing power of nature and support your body’s natural processes.


Enzymes are a unique class of proteins that play a vital role in catalyzing chemical reactions within the human body without being altered. These specialized molecules help to speed up chemical processes and are involved in a wide range of metabolic functions, from digestion to energy production. Ensuring that your body has the right balance of enzymes, you can support optimal metabolic function and promote overall wellness.


OneChoice Approach vs. Traditional Industry Approach

We believe the dietary supplement industry is responsible for providing consumers with safe, effective, and high-quality products. Our understanding of business ethics is recognizing and living the difference between what we could and should do. That’s why we lead in new ways.

Maltodextrin is a commonly used, processed, low-cost carbohydrate derived from starch, often corn, rice,wheat, or potatoes. It’s often used as a food additive, thickener, filler, or carrier. However, it has a high glycemic index, which can cause blood sugar spikes, especially concerning for people with diabetes. It can also lead to digestive issues like bloating, gas, and diarrhea. Emerging research suggests that maltodextrin may harm gut health by promoting harmful bacteria overgrowth and inflammatory bowel disease. Additionally, it may impair intestinal mucus release, potentially increasing the risk of colitis. In agriculture, maltodextrin is used as a pesticide, but its safety in humans hasn’t been thoroughly evaluated.

Standardized herbal extracts are prepared to contain specific, consistent levels of active compounds, ensuring uniformity and potency in each dose. In contrast, non-standardized forms may vary in their active ingredient content, making their effects less predictable and reliable. Standardized extracts are often preferred for their precision in achieving desired health outcomes, while non-standardized forms may be less suitable when precise dosing is essential.

Chelated minerals are a type of mineral supplement in which the mineral ions are bound to organic molecules called chelating agents. This binding forms a complex or chelate, which can enhance the bioavailability and absorption of the mineral in the human body. Chelating agents commonly used include amino acids, peptides, proteins and organic acids like citric acid.

Bioactive vitamins refer to vitamins that are in their active, readily usable form within the body. These forms of vitamins are typically more easily absorbed and utilized by the body compared to their inactive or synthetic counterparts. Bioactive vitamins are essential for various physiological processes and play a crucial role in maintaining overall health and well-being.

Bioenhancers, also known as bioavailability enhancers or absorption enhancers, are substances or compounds that improve the absorption, bioavailability, and effectiveness of certain nutrients or bioactive compounds in dietary supplements. They work by various mechanisms to enhance the body’s ability to absorb and utilize these substances.

Vitamin D3 sourced from Reindeer lichen (Cladonia rangiferina) is a vegan-friendly form of vitamin D3. Reindeer lichen is a unique and fascinating type of lichen that is commonly found in northern and alpine regions around the world. It is used as a source of vegan vitamin D3 in dietary supplements, providing an alternative to animal-derived sources like lanolin, vitamin D2, and synthetic, lab-made version of vitamin D3.

Vegan omega-3 fatty acids DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) supplements sourced from algae are plant-based, vegan-friendly alternatives to traditional fish oil omega-3 supplements. Algae are the primary source of these essential fatty acids in marine ecosystems, and they can be sustainably cultivated in controlled environments.

Vegan collagen, often referred to as “plant-based collagen,” is not actual collagen itself but rather a combination of plant-derived amino acids and peptides that are intended to support collagen production in the body. Vegan collagen supplements do not involve the use of animal-derived ingredients (skin, bones, joints etc.), making them suitable for individuals following vegan or vegetarian diets and those concerned about animal welfare.

  • Deep Sleep

    Experience the result of years of dedicated research and development with leading scientists and doctors. Our supplement products are the outcome of this commitment to excellence. We constantly push the boundaries, striving to develop innovative formulas and maintain our in-house manufacturing processes. Trust in our relentless pursuit of innovation and quality.

  • Ashwagandha Fusion

    Experience the result of years of dedicated research and development with leading scientists and doctors. Our supplement products are the outcome of this commitment to excellence. We constantly push the boundaries, striving to develop innovative formulas and maintain our in-house manufacturing processes. Trust in our relentless pursuit of innovation and quality.

  • Cucurmin Complex

    Experience the result of years of dedicated research and development with leading scientists and doctors. Our supplement products are the outcome of this commitment to excellence. We constantly push the boundaries, striving to develop innovative formulas and maintain our in-house manufacturing processes. Trust in our relentless pursuit of innovation and quality.

  • Vegan Vitamin D3 Complex

    Experience the result of years of dedicated research and development with leading scientists and doctors. Our supplement products are the outcome of this commitment to excellence. We constantly push the boundaries, striving to develop innovative formulas and maintain our in-house manufacturing processes. Trust in our relentless pursuit of innovation and quality.

  • Womans Multivitamin

    Experience the result of years of dedicated research and development with leading scientists and doctors. Our supplement products are the outcome of this commitment to excellence. We constantly push the boundaries, striving to develop innovative formulas and maintain our in-house manufacturing processes. Trust in our relentless pursuit of innovation and quality.

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